Friday, January 31, 2020

5A – Identifying Local Opportunities

1.) The title of the article: UF Health monitors rumors of coronavirus spreading to Gainesville
A description of the story, in your own words: The UF Student Healthcare Center is monitoring the coronavirus. A rumor traveled through a Chinese social media app called WeChat stating that a UF students family member flew to china over winter break before the coronavirus had an outbreak.
A description of the problem presented in the story: The Chinese Student Association postponed their Spring Festival to be cautious of the virus since a lot of them went to China over winter break.
A description of who has the problem: Everyone on UF’s campus and in Gainesville has the problem.

2.)The title of the article: The last straw: Gainesville ban takes effect
A description of the story, in your own words: Plastic straws were banned in Gainesville on January 2, 2019. Hospitals and people that have disabilities don’t have to worry about this law because it doesn’t apply to them. By 2040, the city of Gainesville hopes to be waste-free.
A description of the problem presented in the story: Some businesses have gotten rid of all their plastic straws, but people with disabilities still might ask for them and they are allowed to use them. UF’s Disability Resource Center has supported the idea of having plastic straws available at Broward Dining for students with disabilities.
A description of who has the problem: People with disabilities.

3.) The title of the article: Krystal files for bankruptcy after shuttering Ocala eatery on State Road 200
A description of the story, in your own words: The restaurant chain Krystal has filed for bankruptcy after its last restaurant in the Ocala location closed down. The chain plans on selling half of the 320 locations that are still around.
A description of the problem presented in the story: The company closed down because of increased labor costs and online delivery competitors. They are going to attempt to fix their business, but it is unlikely.
A description of who has the problem: Krystal restaurant chain.

4.) The title of the article: Alachua County Recycling Efforts Persevere Despite Declining Market
A description of the story, in your own words: Alachua County recycling facilities have seen stuff that shouldn’t be recycled such as printers, air conditioning units, car front bumpers, and even some handguns. The recycling rate in 2018 was 68% and Alachua County was ranked the third highest in Florida.
A description of the problem presented in the story: People in Alachua County don’t care about recycling the correct items. Alachua county employees have to manually sort the plastic and aluminum items out themselves.
A description of who has the problem: All of the residents in Alachua county.

5.) The title of the article: Law enforcement warns parents about 'outlet challenge,' dangerous social media trend
A description of the story, in your own words: The social media app Tik Tok had a challenge that went viral and parents are worried about their kids. The challenge is basically plugging a cell phone charger in halfway through an outlet and sliding a penny down the wall, which causes a large spark that lights the outlet on fire.
A description of the problem presented in the story: Parents in Gainesville are worried that their children are going to be unaware of the harmful effects that this challenge causes and do it.
A description of who has the problem: Children around the world that use social media.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jacob,
    I think that the article you shared about the ban on plastic straws provides an interesting perspective of the effect the ban has on people with disabilities. In my post about my opportunity belief I used the example of the problem with paper straws. Although people with disabilities may be able to use paper straws they are ineffective over long periods of time and this is a problem for everyone who uses them. Thanks for sharing this article!
