Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Assignment 2A - Bug List

1.     When I have to be in class in 2 minutes and I planned accordingly, but the bus app doesn’t work properly.
Why it exists: The bus drivers don’t update the location they are at correctly.

2.     When I want ice in my drink, but my dorm doesn’t have an ice machine.
Why it exists: No one decided it was necessary for there to be an ice machine on my floor.

3.     When someone spits their gum on the floor, and it gets stuck to my shoe after I step on it.
Why it exists: Some people are too lazy to spit their gum in the garbage.

4.     When someone scratches their jeans.
Why it exists: Some people don’t realize it, and it becomes a habit for them.

5.     When the barista messes up my order at Starbucks.
Why it exists: The barista is making so many orders at once that they make mistakes.

6.     When a pair of jeans come in defective.
Why it exists: The machine didn’t properly produce them, and the workers didn’t go through the extra step of checking to make sure the jeans were fine.

7.     When I’m at an 89 in a class, but the Professor doesn’t bump it to a 90.
Why it exists: The professor has no sympathy for our poor souls.

8.     When I buy strawberries from the Publix, but they already have mold.
Why it exists: The Publix employees don’t double check their produce to make sure nothing is spoiled.

9.     When I order food at a Chipotle on University Ave, but they run out of something like lettuce or guac.
Why it exists: The workers don’t feel like making more guac or they ran out of ingredients.

10.  When it’s raining and I don’t have an umbrella on me.
Why it exists: The weather app wasn’t accurate, and I did not prepare for the rain.

11.  When people erase a whiteboard but don’t erase the entire board.
Why it exists: They are too lazy to erase the whole board.

12.  When I drop a coin through the seat/door of my car and can’t get it out.
Why it exists: The engineers that designed the car didn’t space out the seat and door perfectly.

13.  When I stub my toe on the corner on the corner of my bed.
Why it exists: The people that made the bed frame designed the corners too sharp and rigid.

14.  When my laptop is at 5% but dies out of nowhere.
Why it exists: The hardware is old and needs to be updated.

15.  When my dog makes a mess inside my house.
Why it exists: My dog wasn’t trained properly and disobeys orders.

16.  When Fresh Food Company has no more toppings at the salad bar.
Why it exists: The workers don’t do a great job of refilling everything because they might forget to or they just run out of toppings.

17.  When people don’t use their blinkers when driving.
Why it exists: Their lights are broken, and they haven’t had time to bring their car to the auto repair shop. They could also just be too lazy to turn on their blinkers.

18.  When people walk in the street when they don’t have the green light.
Why it exists: They don’t follow laws and are in a hurry.

19.  When someone takes a long time to text me back and send only one word.
Why it exists: The person is either ignoring me or they don’t keep their notifications on.

20.  When I’m in the mall and the people in front of me are walking too slow.
Why it exists: Some people don’t notice a crowd behind them and stroll without moving to the side.

Reflection: I didn’t really find this assignment too difficult because these pet peeves have bothered me for a long time, so it was easy to think of them quickly. The only challenge I had with this assignment was thinking of reasons these bugs exist because some of them are so small that I don’t dwell on them as major problems in my life.


  1. Jacob,
    I really enjoyed reading your bug list! Your bug number 17 is something I relate to in my bug list, and I’m unfortunately one of those people who cross without the walk sign. I also didn’t think this assignment was too difficult to find things that bug me; however, coming up for the reasons why they exist was a little mind boggling but helped me realize that people tend to do annoying things most likely out of pure laziness.

  2. Hi Jacob,

    I definitely enjoyed reading your bug list as I have experienced many of these annoyances. I had actually went to Aldi this past week and discovered that all the strawberries had mold on them so I was not able to buy any. It was inconvenient for me because I had to end up going to another supermarket just to buy berries. Personally, I thought this assignment was slightly difficult for me because I had to really dig deep into the things that bothered me.

  3. I also found it relatively easy to think of this list. As a college student I run into so many things in one week that I contemplate. The bugs relating to cars is so relatable. Dropping my phone or anything in the side of the seat is so aggravating because the bucket seats are hard to reach around. Also, I have had several situations where I have come close to an accident due to someone not using a blinker, especially at an intersections.
