Friday, March 20, 2020

17A – Elevator Pitch No. 2


2. What stood out to me as important was that a lot of the people that gave me feedback said similar stuff so I suppose what I can improve on was very noticeable. What surprised me the most was that some of the people that gave me feedback made me realize that I would have to compete against other services that are already out there and similar to mine. I think the most useful feedback I received was to be more confident in my voice. I believe that I did a much better job with being more confident in my second elevator pitch because I used the advice I was given!

3. Based on my feedback, I changed my tone in my voice to sound more enthusiastic. In my first elevator pitch, my voice was more monotone so I tried my best to fix that problem in my second elevator pitch. The only other thing I changed was that I stepped back a little bit so that the camera showed more.


  1. I like that you stepped a little away it came off a lot more natural and you looked to be focusing more on the camera and thus your audience. I love the idea and you are selling it very well man. Keep it up man and see if maybe this idea could be put in more than just cars and phones. Put it in extra things that are around the street.

  2. Dear Jacob,
    I like the way you speak and the fact that you actually groomed yourself for the presentation. Most kids do not care enough to keep themselves together. People will respect you more if they see that you have enough self respect to groom. I like how you gave several examples of the possible use of your product.

  3. Hi Jacob,

    Your confidence in your tone of voice has definitely improved and became more evident. I like how well you took the constructive criticism from your peers to create an even more powerful pitch. The examples you provided were also very specific and gave various examples on how to utilize the product which is beneficial for multiple groups. Great job!

  4. Hey Jacob, great job on taking the constructive criticism that your peers gave you. It is very important to be able to receive this type of information and not let it bring you down, but to let it strengthen you. You also did a great job in improving what others told you. Your voice definitely has more tone and enthusiasm in it and by stepping back we see more hand movement which makes you look more engaged

  5. Jacob,
    I think you did a lot better this time around on your presentation. The first thing i noticed was how you dressed more formally and professionally which already made me take your pitch more seriously. I also think it was smart that you learned and implemented techniques in order to deal with competition and other similar businesses. I think confidence in the voice is the most important thing so people realize you know what you are talking about.
