Friday, March 20, 2020

18A – Create a Customer Avatar

My Blue Robot Avatar

The avatar I created using the My Blue Robot website can be considered a college student or middle-aged adult. My customer has hobbies such as playing sports and driving their kids to school. They tend to drive a midnight blue Honda Accord. Some TV shows that my customer watches are Lost, Madmen, and Game of Thrones. My customer has 4 children that are all in elementary school. His children's favorite books are the Harry Potter series. They don't follow politics because of their young age. They are 4, 5, 7, and 9. Some similarities I have in common with my customer is that we both love playing sports. I think this is a coincidence because I'm the one that created my customer avatar. We will definitely have a lot of similarities since created the customer avatar. I understand now that when selling your product to customers, it is important to see what you have in common with them to create a more personal relationship. 


  1. The funny part is my brother drives a midnight blue Honda Accord and he uses his phone a lot when he drives. This would come in handy for him. I would imagine someone that has four kids would be much more careful on the road when handling a car. I guess to each their own. Good job on the summary though I really like it.

  2. Dear Jacob,
    this is extremely descriptive. It is crazy I feel like you painted a picture of this avatar that you know exactly who you are selling to. I do like how you drew upon the significance of making an avatar as it can help you with your product and other strategies.

  3. Hi Jacob,

    I love how descriptive you got in creating your avatar. I think you nailed your customer group which is going to be very beneficial for you when you’re trying to get your idea across to them. Being able to really understand your customer is vital because you’ll be able to capture their interest and their trust. Great post!

  4. Hey Jacob. Great job on your post, I feel like I can really see your prototypical customer. I like how much you described your character and even talked about his kids interests. It's also good that you guys have similarities because any idea that we try to create is, in a way, solving a problem that we have. Therefore, the customers should be similar in that they have the same needs

  5. Jacob,
    I think you did a great job of going in to detail on this post and finding exactly the interests and habits that your customer holds which is very important in being able to reach the right people. I feel like you have a very good understanding of exactly who your target it is which will make it very easy when it comes to marketing and selling the product.
