Friday, February 28, 2020

14A – Halfway Reflection

1)    To keep up with the requirements of this course, I have made sure to get ahead by starting assignments early. Some behaviors that I have developed are to work hard and make sure that I don’t miss certain deadlines.
2)    I felt like giving up when I had to complete the pitch assignment because I had to record myself a bunch of times after I kept on messing up. I feel like I have definitely developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months. The experiences that have most contributed to this would definitely be my interviews that I conducted for some of the assignments.
3)    Three tips that I would offer next semesters student about fostering the skills and developing the ‘tenacious mindset’ would to get ahead by starting on the assignments early, make sure the interviews are with people that give long and informative answers, and to make sure that you watch the lectures on time and thoroughly to get a good grade on the cupcakes.

13A – Reading Reflection No. 1

1)    What surprised me most was that Steve Jobs dropped out of college and still had a super successful life. I most admired the dedication and motivation that Steve Jobs had. He created his first computer from the inside of his garage. I least admired that Jobs never said good-bye or thank you to his parents after they dropped him off at college. The entrepreneur encountered a failure when he launched a numerous amount of product failures. A good amount of people didn’t purchase certain Apple products when they first came out. Steve Jobs worked hard and made sure that his products were the best such as the iPhone and a MacBook laptop.
2)    Some competencies I noticed are that the entrepreneur could do a lot of work from his home. He made sure to always make products that could better enhance our future.
3)    The only confusing part to me was that he got fired from his own company, Apple.
4)    I would ask the entrepreneur what his favorite product to make was and why he made it.
5)    I think the entrepreneur’s opinion of hard work was to make products that are family-friendly and that everyone enjoys. I definitely share that opinion with Steve Jobs.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

12A – Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

My segment is for older entrepreneurs that already have some experience. My business would be a service in cars that prevents people from using their phones. The three people I interviewed all said that they would use this service because they see lots of younger drivers on the road that text and drive. The people I interviewed gave me some advice on how to make my service well known. They told me to bring the idea up to a bunch of car dealers and ask them if they would purchase it. I think that this service would significantly reduce the number of deaths caused by texting and driving. I think that lots of people have the need for this service; especially high school and college students have this need because a lot of them are guilty of texting and driving. I learned that a lot of other people believe that this issue should be addressed more often. It is common for people to accidentally look at their phones while driving so this service would prevent them from using their phones altogether.