Thursday, February 20, 2020

12A – Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

My segment is for older entrepreneurs that already have some experience. My business would be a service in cars that prevents people from using their phones. The three people I interviewed all said that they would use this service because they see lots of younger drivers on the road that text and drive. The people I interviewed gave me some advice on how to make my service well known. They told me to bring the idea up to a bunch of car dealers and ask them if they would purchase it. I think that this service would significantly reduce the number of deaths caused by texting and driving. I think that lots of people have the need for this service; especially high school and college students have this need because a lot of them are guilty of texting and driving. I learned that a lot of other people believe that this issue should be addressed more often. It is common for people to accidentally look at their phones while driving so this service would prevent them from using their phones altogether.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jacob,
    I think its interesting that the people that you interviewed left you with more advice to go more directly to the source and consumers of the product that you are offering. I think that this device would be extremely beneficial because I know a lot of people who are guilty, myself included, of this same issue. I think it would be extremely beneficial to discover whether car dealers agree that this is something that consumers would purchase for themselves or maybe their children.
