Friday, February 28, 2020

14A – Halfway Reflection

1)    To keep up with the requirements of this course, I have made sure to get ahead by starting assignments early. Some behaviors that I have developed are to work hard and make sure that I don’t miss certain deadlines.
2)    I felt like giving up when I had to complete the pitch assignment because I had to record myself a bunch of times after I kept on messing up. I feel like I have definitely developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months. The experiences that have most contributed to this would definitely be my interviews that I conducted for some of the assignments.
3)    Three tips that I would offer next semesters student about fostering the skills and developing the ‘tenacious mindset’ would to get ahead by starting on the assignments early, make sure the interviews are with people that give long and informative answers, and to make sure that you watch the lectures on time and thoroughly to get a good grade on the cupcakes.


  1. I also had to watch deadlines carefully for this course. That is one of my biggest weaknesses with online classes usually so I have to watch it. Also, setting time aside or multitasking helped me have enough time to finish these assignments. I also suggest people actually watch the lectures because the cupcakes cannot be done without watching them and they help a lot with doing the assignments easier.

  2. Hi Jacob,

    I also try to do the assignments days in advance before the due date to make sure that I have ample time to complete them. In order to make sure I do not miss any deadlines, I write the assignments in my planner to know which ones I have to do. I can relate to your experience with the pitch because I had to continue to retake them as well since I kept laughing in every take.
