Friday, February 14, 2020

9A – Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Who: After conducting my interviews, I found that no group falls outside my boundaries because everyone wants to end texting and driving. Everyone I interviewed said that they wish there are more harsh laws for texting and driving. Even phone companies create billboard ads to prevent people from texting and driving.

What: My interviews helped me come to the conclusion that this need is different from just texting and driving. This need is to stop people from looking at their phones all together whether they are walking or driving. This need should be more enforced especially on school campuses because of all the students walking around.

Why: I think the underlying cause of the outsiders’ need is different than the people inside the boundary. The people that fall outside the boundary are people that simply drive and text themselves.

Inside the Boundary:
Who is in: College students that don’t text and drive and people that don’t look at their phones while driving.
What the need is: The need is to prevent people from getting killed on the road.
Why the need exists: The need exists because of all the good drivers on the road.

Outside the Boundary:
Who is in: College students who are careless drivers and don’t care about the rules of the road.
What the need is: To text people back while driving because they think it’s ok to keep their eyes off the road.
Alternative explanations: This is an opportunity for my app because of all the terrible careless drivers on the road that don’t follow laws.


  1. Hey Jacob,
    I like the explanation that the people who care about this mainly are people that care about the rules of the road. With my idea, it would also make no sense if I was trying to market this idea to people who do not care about the sustainability and health of this world. Overall, I like the breakdown of the ideas though.

  2. Jacob,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post for this week's assignment. Although no one disagreed with your approach and drivers know that texting and driving is bad; however, your results may be skewed because people are not going to blatantly admit that they text while driving! I enjoyed your idea; however, have you thought about Apple's Do Not Disturb option where it can turn notifications off for drivers and send automatic texts to allow their friend's and family to be aware that they are currently driving? Great post!

  3. Hi Jacob,

    I think your reasoning behind your opportunity is impactful and crucial because it is an occurring issue that contributes to a lot of accidents. Just like smoking, everyone knows it's not a good thing to do yet they still do it. In both cases, people cannot really argue for performing such actions because they know the overall bad effects from doing them.

  4. Jacob,

    I think your unmet need is one of the most important and essential needs that needs to be addressed in today's society. Especially because of how many other innocent peoples' lives are being drastically affected or taken because of inconsiderate, selfish people. There are multiple things the government can do to prevent this but until phones do not have the ability to text whatsoever while driving, I am not sure if this problem will every be solved.
