Friday, February 28, 2020

13A – Reading Reflection No. 1

1)    What surprised me most was that Steve Jobs dropped out of college and still had a super successful life. I most admired the dedication and motivation that Steve Jobs had. He created his first computer from the inside of his garage. I least admired that Jobs never said good-bye or thank you to his parents after they dropped him off at college. The entrepreneur encountered a failure when he launched a numerous amount of product failures. A good amount of people didn’t purchase certain Apple products when they first came out. Steve Jobs worked hard and made sure that his products were the best such as the iPhone and a MacBook laptop.
2)    Some competencies I noticed are that the entrepreneur could do a lot of work from his home. He made sure to always make products that could better enhance our future.
3)    The only confusing part to me was that he got fired from his own company, Apple.
4)    I would ask the entrepreneur what his favorite product to make was and why he made it.
5)    I think the entrepreneur’s opinion of hard work was to make products that are family-friendly and that everyone enjoys. I definitely share that opinion with Steve Jobs.


  1. A successful college dropout is honestly admirable not because they dropped out but because they beat the odds. The idea of the rich college dropout inspires alot of false hope in people though. They think that anyone can do that when this is not true at all. Most college dropouts are not successful at all.

  2. Steve Jobs was one of the few geniuses that was able to drop out of college and create his own massive innovative company. He changed the game in technology and impacted today's society through his inventions of various Apple Products. I admire his work but he was known for being very arrogant.
