Friday, February 14, 2020

10A – Elevator Pitch No. 1


  1. Hey Jacob,
    I enjoyed the video explanation of your business idea, and you effectively talked about it without tripping up. That can be pretty difficult. I think with the setup you had, if you stepped back a little bit, reading the script behind it would have been a lot more smooth. We would not have been able to see it. I think everyone was reading a script pretty obviously, so its not a big deal.

  2. Jacob,
    I enjoyed watching your video explanation for this week's assignment! You brought up lots of great points and your elevator pitch was interesting. Captivating your audience is key, I think one way to ensure the audience is fully understanding what you are trying to say is by putting emotion and expression into your pitch! You did a great job!

  3. Jacob,
    I think this is a really good idea for a really good cause. It has potential if you figure out a way from differentiating yourself from all of the other anti-phone in car apps that are already out there. I also think you should be more confident throughout the entirety of your elevator pitch because I feel like you lost motivation halfway through it.

  4. Hi Jacob,

    I liked the key points that you brought up in your elevator. Your idea is definitely something that many people would be interested in incorporating in their daily lives. My only suggestion is to show a little more confidence to really sell your idea. People become more invested in one's idea if they display passion and excitement for their product. Great job!

  5. Hey Jacob, you have a great idea and I think it can definitely make a huge impact in todays world. For your presentation, I have a few tips. I would back away from the camera a little bit to show more of your body, and that way people can see you use your hands because that shows more confidence. I would also try to speak a little clearer and try to have your pitch down a little better you don't stutter. Besides that great work!

  6. Jacob,

    I really think you did this presentation well and it looked professional. I think your outfit was good and the way in which you presented the pitch showed how you were not just reading it from a script but speaking from the heart. I think the only thing to fix would be just to back up a few steps so your whole body can be showed in the camera.
