Thursday, April 9, 2020

23A – Your Venture’s Unfair Advantage

Top Ten Resources
1.     Human capital: A good group of employees.
Valuable: 8, Rare: 5, relatively inimitable: 3, non-substitutable
2.     Network: Know people that work for car dealerships.
Valuable: 10, Rare: 8, relatively inimitable: 1, non-substitutable
3.     Public speaking skills: I’ve taken a few courses that enhance these skills.
Valuable: 9, Rare: 4, relatively inimitable: 3, non-substitutable
4.     Publicity: Advertise all around UF campus and high schools.
Valuable: 8, Rare: 6, relatively inimitable: 2, non-substitutable
5.     Unique Application: No other application like this will be available.
Valuable: 7, Rare: 5, relatively inimitable: 3, non-substitutable
6.     Affordable service price: No competitor can beat my price!
Valuable: 9, Rare: 5, relatively inimitable: 2, non-substitutable
7.     Social capital: Employ people that have a wide network of connections
Valuable: 10, Rare: 6, relatively inimitable: 3, non-substitutable
8.     Academics: I’ve learned a lot of different stuff from my courses.
Valuable: 7, Rare: 4, relatively inimitable: 1, non-substitutable
9.     Internet access: The App is available when you have service.
Valuable: 8, Rare: 5, relatively inimitable: 3, non-substitutable
10.  Easy to build into a car: The service would be simple to install.
Valuable: 10, Rare: 6, relatively inimitable:2, non-substitutable

My top resource is my public speaking skills. This resource is very important when meeting new people and hiring different people. If I want to sell my service to someone, I have to be a good public speaker. I am guaranteed to sell my product/service to people if they are entertained with what I advertise to them.


  1. Hey Jacob, I think public speaking is so powerful and honestly not very common. People may say it is not common and that they have those skills, but in reality that is not true. Effective public speaking can do wonders for any kind of product or service. Some people step in front of a camera or group of people and freeze or talk awkwardly, or they do not express what they need to say successfully.

  2. Hi Jacob,

    I think being able to network and connect well with others on a more personal level is very helpful when it comes to starting up a new business. The help you receive from outside sources that are in the same industry can increase your opportunities to accomplish your goals a lot more efficiently. Also, public speaking is a vital quality to have because it can alter people’s opinions and perceptions of the idea you are trying to sell to them to your benefit. Great post!

  3. Jacob,
    I really enjoyed reading your post for this week's assignment. You have a lot of unique resources that will help you with making your idea into a true business. Public speaking especially, is really important for any business to thrive. You must use your skills in public speaking to pitch, and sell your business! Great post.

  4. Jacob,
    I think you have a lot of very beneficial skills and qualities here. having a large network is very important and will benefit you greatly because business is all about who you know and being able to network on social media will also help tremendously. Your ability to public speak will always be to your own benefit when needing confidence in your idea.
