Thursday, April 9, 2020

24A – Venture Concept No. 1

Opportunity: The opportunity that exists for me is to save lives by creating a product/service that prevents people from texting and driving. This service would be built into new cars that are being manufactured and it would turn off the driver’s phone. You would be allowed to make a phone call if you speak a password to your car's computer system. People would stop looking at their phones while driving and this would prevent car crashes. I could sell this service to not only car dealers, but I would make an app as well to sell to people that don’t want the service built into their car. I believe that this service has a good chance of success because of the number of car accidents that are shown on the news every day.

Innovation: The product/service that I would create would be available to anyone that is interested in it. This service would be a feature added on to cars when you go to purchase one. The service would be built into the car's computer system. The app that I would create would be called SafeDrive. This app would prevent people from looking at their phones while driving and they wouldn’t get distracted. I would charge $2.99 for the app and I believe that a lot of people would benefit from purchasing it. It is an affordable price and could save lives which most important. It is important to follow the rules on the road so this app would also tell you if you’re going over the speed limit. All these helpful features are what make the app innovative.

Venture Concept: I believe that my customers will be attracted to my product/service once they hear about it in the news. I’m hoping that my product/service would become well-known and my app gets on the top 10 list in app stores. If someone is unsure if they want to purchase my app because they’re not sure if the features would be necessary for them, then they can test it out with a 14-day trial option. This option is very helpful in my opinion since it allows buyers to get good use out of the app and they will for sure want to purchase it after finding out how necessary it is to keep. Hopefully, the service is as big of a success as the app. The car dealerships would purchase my service since it’s supposed to be included in their cars.

My most important resource is the skills that I have learned from the courses I have taken. I have learned how to be a better public speaker with a lot of courses I took both in high school and here at UF.

The next step for my venture is to create my app and advertise it around the world. I will always be taking feedback so I will ask friends and family members what they think about it.

In the next 10 years, I hope to have the most downloaded app in the world. I am going to try my best to make the app available on all platforms such as Androids and iPhones.


  1. Hey jacob, like I said before, public speaking is a powerful ability and I think it is an ability in most people that is very overestimated. They think they sufficiently have it but do not. If there are classes that can empower this in people I think they are very worthwhile and more useful than a lot of other classes that are taught out here at the university.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Jacob,
    I really like your idea because you created something that would benefit the greater good of society and can impact millions of lives. Texting while driving is something that has been a recurring issue today and has even resulted in more accidents than drunk driving. I also think it would be a great idea to pitch your invention to car companies themselves and see if they are interested in incorporating this system in some of their models.

  4. Jacob,
    THis idea will definitely help people be more safe when driving. people are very reckless when driving and many lives are lost because of it. If you can get this idea put in action I think the whole community will benefit greatly.
